Rider University
IND 300, Supervised Study. Two separate supervised studies. Designed to take the place of MTR 251, Styles and Genres I and MTR 251, Styles and Genres II. (spring 2012)
MTR 105, Musical Theatre Practicum, musical theatre vocal ensemble singing. (fall 2017, spring 2017, fall 2016)
MTR 120, History of American Music Theater. A study of the history of the American musical theatre. (spring 2017, spring 2016, spring 2015, spring 2013, fall 2011, spring 2010)
MTR 120, SS & DS: History of American Music Theater. A study of the history of the American musical theatre – taught as a Directed or Supervised Study. (Supervised Study summer 2016: Supervised Study spring 2016, Directed Study: Supervised Study spring 2014, Supervised Study spring 2014)
MTR 215, Song as Text. Replaced MTR 492 in the new BFA degree. How to approach the song as a musical monologue and apply the tools developed in the early acting progression to sung text. (2 sections fall 2015, 3 sections fall 2014)
MTR 215, Supervised Study: Song as Text. Replaced MTR 492 in the new BFA degree. How to approach the song as a musical monologue and apply the tools developed in the early acting progression to sung text – taught as Supervised Study. (Peter Petrino spring 2015)
MTR 218, Musical Theatre Scene Study I, A musical theatre scene study class dealing exclusively with the material of the Golden Age of the American Musical, the age of realism in the musical theatre. (spring 2016, spring 2015)
MTR 219, Musical Theatre Scene Study II, A musical theatre scene study class dealing with the material after the Golden Age of the American Musical, the concept musicals and the contemporary ironic tone. (fall 2015)
MTR 251 Styles and Genres I. The important biographical information and major musical literature of the musical theatre from Gilbert and Sullivan through Leonard Bernstein. (Fall 2012, Fall 2011)
MTR 251 Supervised Study: Styles and Genres I. The important biographical information and major musical literature of the musical theatre from Gilbert and Sullivan through Leonard Bernstein – taught as a supervised study. (Heather Boner: spring 2104)
MTR 252 Styles and Genres II. The important biographical information and major musical literature from Jerry Herman to today. (Fall 2012, Fall 2011, Fall 2010)
MTR 252 Supervised Study in Styles and Genres II. The important biographical information and major musical literature from Jerry Herman to today – taught as an independent study. (Colleen Robert: spring 2014)
MTR 253, Styles and Genres III. The development of the students’ audition book using the lessons learned in Styles and Genres I & II. (spring 2014, spring 2013, spring 2012, spring 2011)
MTR 255, Musical Theatre Repertoire I. Replaced MTR 251 in the new BFA degree. The important biographical information and major musical literature of the musical theatre from Gilbert and Sullivan through Leonard Bernstein. (fall 2017, fall 2016, fall 2015, fall 2014, fall 2013)
MTR 256, Musical Theatre Repertoire II. Replaced MTR 252 in the new BFA degree. The important biographical information and major musical literature from Jerry Herman to today. (spring 2017, spring 2016, spring 2015, fall 2013)
MTR 317, Musical Theatre Audition: Preparation and Technique. Offers the graduating senior Musical Theatre student the tools to successfully engage with professional level auditions. (fall 2017, spring 2017, spring 2016, spring 2015, spring 2014, spring 2013, spring 2012)
MTR 490, Independent Reasearch and Study. Independent study with Wendy Feaver in orchestration and arranging for the musical theatre (fall 2012), also Supervised Capstone project for Mallory Miller (spring 2013)
MTR 492, Singing Actor: Music Theater. How to approach the song as a musical monologue. (fall 2013, fall 2012, fall 2011, fall, 2010)
MTR 496, Music Theater Workshop. A musical theatre scene study class. (spring 2014, spring 2013, spring 2012, spring 2011)
MUS 165, Applied Piano. Private piano lessons. (fall 2012, spring 2012, fall 2011, spring 2011, fall 2010)
MUS 312, Arts Abroad. Abroad cultural arts trip to Vienna, Budapest and Prague, J-Term 2016
THE 105, Theatre History to 1700 (fall 2016)
THE 107, Acting I: Introduction to Acting. Initial class in the acting progression. (spring 2014, fall 2013)
THE 312, Arts Abroad. Abroad cultural arts trip to Rome and Dublin, J-Term 2017
Courses Taught

September 2010 – Present
Associate Professor of Musical Theatre
Department of Theatre and Dance
Production work
Bonnie & Clyde – Rider University, musical director/conductor (October 2017)
Of Thee I Sing – Rider University, director and musical director/conductor (October 2016)
A Little Night Music – Rider University, director (April, 2016).
Catch Me If You Can – Rider University, musical director/conductor (November 2015).
All Shook Up – Rider University, musical director/conductor. (April 22-26, 2015)
Lucky Stiff – Rider University, director. (October 8/12/2014)
Merrily We Roll Along – Rider University, director. (April 23-27, 2014)
A Chorus Line – Rider University, musical director/conductor. (November 20-24, 2013)
Seven Brides For Seven Brothers – Rider University, director, musical director – stepped in to take over direction when the director/choreographer was rendered unable to complete the production due to a medical emergency. (April 24-28, 2013)
Nine– Rider University, director and musical supervisor. (October 10-14, 2012)
The Producers – Rider University, musical director/conductor. (April 18-22, 2012)
Three Women Singing From the Great Broadway Musicals – a concert featuring Rider students, with the Delaware Valley Philharmonic Orchestra, vocal director (April 14, 2012)
A New Brain – Rider University, director and musical supervisor. (December 7-11, 2011)
The Drowsy Chaperone – Rider University, director and musical director/conductor. (March 4-6, 2011)
An Evening of Rodgers and Hammerstein a concert featuring Rider students, performed with the Delaware Valley Philharmonic Orchestra, vocal director. (November 20, 2010)
Striking 12, Rider University, musical director/conductor. (November 11-20, 2010)
Value offered to Rider University
Development and recruitment of the Musical Theatre: Piano Track:
Have been developing the Musical Theatre Piano Track marketing and outreach strategy and materials, working with Sara Rothman in Dean Robert Annis’ office and Katherine Shields in the admissions office, ongoing.
Have been developing the Musical Theatre Piano Track curriculum, and developing strategies for recruiting students for this program ongoing (undocumented).
Search committees:
Served on the search committee for a technical director for the Department of Theatre and Dance, which ultimately resulted in the hire of Buck Linton, spring 2012.
Served on the search committee for a master electrician for the Department of Theatre and Dance, which ultimately led to the hire of Jason Pratt, fall 2011.
Served on the search committee for a technical director for the Department of Theatre and Dance, which ultimately led to the hire of Jeremy Web, summer 2011.
Served as Chair of the search committee for musical theatre dance hire for the Department of Theatre and Dance, which ultimately resulted in the hire of Robin Lewis, spring 2011.
Served as Chair of the search committee for a new designer for the Department of Theatre and Dance, which ultimately resulted in the hire of German Cardenas-Alaminos, Spring 2011.
Faculty-student extra-curricular activities
Developed Senior experience in New York in collaboration with Mariann Cook and Robin Lewis.This capstone event takes the place of the Senior Showcase, to introduce our graduating seniors to the industry in New York.Structured the event, developed format, helped the students find their material and develop/rehearse their material, travelled to New York with students and spent the day with them, yearly 2010-2017.
Created an opportunity for several of our students to perform in concert with the Delaware Valley Philharmonic Orchestra.My participation also extended to the selection of material, choosing the students, providing vocal direction and some minimal staging, April 14, 2012.
Offered mock auditions to the incoming freshman classes to help prepare them for their first University audition.
Created an opportunity for a large group of our students to perform in concert with the Delaware Valley Philharmonic Orchestra in a tribute to Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein, II. This event brought together undergraduate and graduate students, musical theatre, acting, vocal studies majors from both the Lawrenceville and Princeton campuses.My participation also extended to selection of material, casting the students, providing vocal direction and musical staging, November 20, 2010.
Maintained a full roster of advisees (averaging 45 students at any given time), since my arrival at Rider.My door is always open to my students and advisees.
College and University Committees and activities
Currently serving on the board of Any Given Child, in conjunction with the City of Trenton under the auspices of The Kennedy Center, this program’s goal to make a substantive connection between school children and the arts in under-served areas.
APC positions held
Four years service on the SFPA-APC, 2 consecutive terms, 2012-2016
Two years as SFPA-APC chair, 2014-2016
Two years as representative to UAPC, 2012-2014
One year as representative to WAPC 2012-2013
Active member: Faculty Development Committee
Strategic Planning Committee
Active member: Adjunct Faculty Study Group
Active member Active member of Distance Learning Advisory Committee, 2014-2015
Personally performed and put together entertainment for University Donor/Alumni events:
Put together program and performed at alumni luncheon as musical director and accompanist presenting songs from May 2, 2015
Performed at the open house for New Jersey Guidance Councilors – served as musical director and accompanist to featured performers, May 3, 2012.
Performed at the Scholarship Benefactors and Recipients Luncheon on April 5, 2012 – served as musical director and accompanist to featured performers.
Performed at the Scholarship Stewardship Luncheon at Green Acres Country Club – served as accompanist to the featured vocalists, April 14, 2011.
Value offered through other committee service:
Served on President’s Award Selection Committee, Spring 2014
Participated in Globalization program, fall 2014
Attended Grants Writing Boot Camp, May 23, 2014
Served on Athletic Council 2013-2015.
Served on Dean’s Council 2012-2014.
Served on the Student Life Committee 2012-2013
Currently serving on the mentoring committee; informal mentor for Sean McCarther, Assistant Professor of Voice, WCC.
Recruitment events and activities:
Attendance of student orientation days July 2013, 2014, 2015.
Served on SPFA Admissions Taskforce 2013-2014
Work with Katherine Shields, Mariann Cook and Robin Lewis on ongoing recruitment strategies and the development of recruitment materials (brochures, web-site, etc.) for Musical Theatre voice track, ongoing.
Active participation in recruitment includes attending all on-campus auditions 2010-2015
Recruitment activities include Unified auditions in New York, January 25-26, 2014 and January 24-25, 2015.
Attendance of all Admitted Students Days
Offered regular master classes to admitted students attending admitted student days
Since my arrival at Rider, I have attended all open houses that have not been in direct conflict with a scheduled rehearsal or performance.
Value contributed to academic/intellectual life of Rider University:
Participated in roundtable discussion at Film Symposium May 5, 2104
Developed exams and proctored exams for piano placement, and to pass out of music theory, piano and sight-singing.
Presented a paper on the concept of “uni-tasking” and served as a panelist on a panel entitled “Critical and Creative Thinking in The Classroom,” as part of a faculty development day panel sponsored by Rider University, put together by Tim McGee, 2011.
Taught a series of master class sections for “Rider Presents,” a day of workshops for area high school students who have shown an interest in studying the performing arts, 2011.
Attendance and participation in all vocal juries of department students
Ongoing development of and administration of Sophomore Evaluations for program students.
Attendance of all Senior Experience events.
Attendance of all faculty development days.
Work on School of Fine and Performing Arts committees level
Served on the School of Fine and Performing Arts Mission, Vision, Goals taskforce.
Served as Chair on the search committee for a new Associate Dean (in the School of Fine and Performing Arts)/Chair (Department of Theatre and Dance)/Faculty (within the Department of Theatre and Dance), which ultimately led to the hire of Ivan Fuller, spring 2011.
Served as Chair on a sub-committee to study the options surrounding a new position to be created combining an Associate Dean, a departmental Chair and a Faculty member in one position.The committee reached the conclusion that such a position was untenable and suggested a vastly different configuration.Ultimately our suggestion was considered but not taken, which resulted in a full search (for which I served as chair), which resulted in the hire of Ivan Fuller (listed above)
Sat on the committee to select furniture for the new academic building (committee’s only meeting cancelled due to hazardous snow conditions), winter 2011.
Attended and actively participated as an auditor in all departmental vocal juries and level evaluations.
Attendance of all department and school meetings
Attendance of all convocations and commencements.