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Northwestern State Univeristy of Louisiana

October 2005-May 2006

Associate Professor, tenure-track

Courses Taught

MUS-1450, Musical Theatre Ensemble. (fall 2005)


MUS-1650, Keyboard skills. Piano for the musical theatre major. (spring 2006)


MUS-1910 – Private vocal studies. (fall 2005)


THEA-2300, Intro to the Arts. A cross-disciplinary introduction to the arts as a whole. (fall 2005)


THEA – 1001, Theory and Sight-singing for the musical theatre. Music theory, ear training and sight singing skills are developed. (spring 2006)


THEA-4230, Musical Theatre Performance. Emphasis is placed on vocal technique, acting and movement skills. (fall 2005 and spring 2006)


THEA-4350, American Musical Theatre History and Literature. A survey of the history and literature of the American musical theatre. (spring 2006)

Production work

Urinetown, musical director (fall 2005)


A Christmas Spectacular, composer, orchestrator (fall 2005)




Value offered to Rider University
  • Rewrote musical theatre curriculum. 2005-2006

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